1. Call to Order (One Rap of Gavel) Opening ODE
2. Wardens Report.
3. Please Rise Lords Prayer (4 Raps of Gavel) .
4. Brothers in a sign of loyalty (3 Raps of Gavel)
And respect for all our brothers - who gave their lives in all wars.
5. The Opening ODE (3 Raps of Gavel - one at conclusion)
6. Roll Call of officers
7. Reading of Minutes of previous meeting (All meetings)
8. Report of Admission Committee and Reading of Application (if any)
9. Ballot for membership reapplications (2) Transfer? DD Bob
10. Grand Knight Report and Comments. (See Knightline - Questions).
11. Communications State Supreme other Councils Service Officers.
12. Chaplain if he wishes to address us or at summation, closing prayer as he wishes.
13. Treasurers - Financial Secretary's Report.
14. Chancellors Report. (See Membership Director.)
15. Deputy Grand Knights report, the Program Director over the following.
Report of Service Committees:
1. Membership: - new member
2. Program:
3. Community Director:
4. Council:
5. Family Director:
6. Youths Director:
7. Others:
16. Unfinished business:
17. New Business:
18. 4th Degree News - New Meeting Night if you wish. A copy of our bulletin
19. Field Agent (Re District Deputy) -
20. District Deputy's Report.
21. Good of the order - Four Raps of Gavel /Plus One. Worthy Lecturer.
22. Chaplin's summation if he wishers - Four Raps of Gavel - One Rap.
23. Closing Prayer - Choose our own.
24. Closing O'Canada - (Four Raps of gavel of Gavel one at end)
25. I now close the meeting.
26. Seconded please.
NOTE: Please leave the PERMANENT AGENDA on the seat.
Please bring your Knight Line N4 to each meeting
Good Night
Sing ye his praises loud and long,
And let the unenlightened know,
In ev'ry echo of your song,
The great deeds done, tho' long ago
By Columbus of the valiant soul,
Who first old Neptune has controlled,
Despite of envy, intrigue, gold,
In the dim past of long ago.
With vessels three o'er stormy sea,
He thrilled the world of long ago,
While wisdom linked with destiny,
In justice scales its weight did throw.
We are his heirs; we wear his name;
We boast his deeds; we spread his fame;
Our Order is the shining flame,
That lights the gloom of long ago.
Now our evening's work is done,
Then let us ev'ry one,
Join in a song.
Long may our Order stand
Foremost in this free land,
Ready with heart and hand
To right each wrong.
We have a mission great,
True to our Church and State,
Onward we move.
We dry the mourner's tear,
The tired heart we cheer,
Faith in our works appear,
Upheld by Love.
O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee
Our Lady
Queen of the Knights
Bless all the activities of our Order
Keep us true to the Pledge
To extend the kingship of the Divine Son on earth.
Through Thine intercession
Win for us the grace
Ever to exemplify in our public and private lives,
The virtues which should characterize
Those specially dedicated
To the service of the Heavenly Court.
We are constantly observed
Our faith judged
And our Order appreciated.
Accept, 0 Mary,
This renewed Pledge of faith and devotion
Of thy servants,
The Knights of Columbus.
Lord, bless the priests of Hamilton Diocese
as they prepare for their Pastoral Seminar.
Open their hearts to the guiding power of Your Spirit.
May they be enriched by their prayer and
study as they continue their faithful service In Your ministry.
Help our priests to grow In the mission of
Jesus Christ, the Eternal High Priest.
Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for our
Lord, we thank you for the gift of your priesthood to the Church.
Help our priests to enlighten our hearts through Your Word, to satisfy our spiritual hunger with the Bread of Life and to
draw us together In Your Love.
Open the hearts of your people to hear and answer Your call so that we might have dedicated priests, brothers and sisters
as signs of Your Light In our world.
Mary, Queen of the Apostles, help us to live our Vocations.