
Roles and Responsibilities of Council Officers

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The Grand Knight is responsible for the overall welfare of the council He must provide thoughtful and inspired leadership to the fifteen council officers and Service Program. Chairmen and to the members of the council

During their term of office, every Grand Knight, all officers and co-workers should set as their goal "a better council". Obviously this task is far too much for one man alone.

It must be achieved by teamwork:

- through generous and eager cooperation with the council's official "family", and
- by voluntary participation of all members in the affairs of their council

It is the Grand Knight's obligation to inspire mutual cooperation and voluntary service among the officers and members. In addition, the Grand Knight is directly responsible for cooperation with other Columbian groups and leaders, which include: Columbian Squires, Fourth Degree Assemblies, Diocesan Associations, District Deputy, other councils, State Deputy and State Council - it's office and representatives.

The Grand Knights duties include:

- presiding over council meetings.
- acting as an ex-officio member of all committees.
- appointing the membership and program directors, and working with them on the   selection of Service Program activities chairmen and membership, recruitment    and retention chairmen.
- convening officers for a monthly meeting.
- appointing special committees not mandated by the laws of the council.
- overseeing the proper exemplification of the First Degree.
- making sure that all reports and reporting forms required by State or Supreme        offices are returned on time.
- oversee the work of the Admission Committee (immediately after entering his  term of office, the Grand Knight must appoint an Admissions Committee  composed of seven members, then monitors their work).
- interacts with the Financial Secretary and Treasurer to ensure the council is  meeting its financial obligations to the Supreme and State councils, and others  including.:
+ countersigns all orders drawn and signed by the Treasurer.
+ reads the vouchers from the Financial Secretary of monies paid to the Treasurer,  and from the Treasurer of monies deposited in the bank.
 + checks the performance of the Financial Secretary and the Treasurer, working       with them
+ recommends a chaplain.
+ appoints a Lecturer.

Recommended Qualities:

*leadership/willingness to    serve
*interpersonal skills
*planning skills
*high energy level
*experience in council affairs

*organizational skills
*communication skills
*loyalty to the District Deputy & Council
*patience and tolerance



The Deputy Grand Knight is second in command at the council. He assists the Grand Knight in the operation of council affairs and is responsible for any duties assigned him by the Grand Knight.

The Deputy Grand Knight's official duties are:

- thoroughly learn the job of the Grand Knight;
- perform all duties assigned by the Grand Knight;
- assume official leadership role of the Grand Knight in his absence.

Other recommended Duties/Responsibilities include:
- coordination of council communications;
- fraternal relationships with other councils. Fourth Degree. etc.;
- membership or program director;
- coordination and planning of Second and third degree exemplifications;
- responsibility for council recognition program. 

Recommended Qualities:


*leadership/willingness to serve
*interpersonal skills
*planning skills
*high energy level

*organizational skills
*communication skills
*loyalty to the District Deputy & Council
*patience and tolerance



The Chancellor assists the Grand Knight and Deputy Grand Knight in the execution of their duties and takes charge of the council during the incapacity or extended absence of both.

His Official duties are:

- back-up support to the Grand Knight and Deputy Grand Knight in the performance of their duties;
- responsibility for the MAXIMUM PARTICIPATION of members in the life and activities of THEIR COUNClL.
- special responsibility for new members, sick members and members in distress and/or need.
- responsibility for contact with members to survey their interests in new and existing council activities, and to determine their willingness to participate.

Other recommended duties/responsibilities include:
- assignment as either council membership or program director.
- council coordinator for religious vocation support.
- recruitment/retention committee. 

Recommended Qualities:


*leadership/willingness to serve
*interpersonal skills

*organizational skills
*planning and communication skills


he Warden is responsible for supervising all council property except that which belongs to the Financial Secretary, and seeing to its maintenance.

His Official duties are:

- accountability of all council property (except money);
- supervision and instruction of guards;
- preparation of chambers for official functions:
- reinforcement of meeting protocol (with Grand Knight)

Other recommended duties/responsibilities include;

- coordination/captain of first degree team;
- planning for and scheduling first degree exemplification ceremonies
- cooperating with the Financial Secretary and Chancellor to ensure proper recording of new first degree members;
- ensure appropriate introduction of council members and input into council newsletter. 

Recommended Qualities:


*leadership/willingness to serve
*Communication skills (up and down)

*organizational skills
*thoroughness and attention to detail  
*follow-up tenacity


The Financial Secretaries duties revolve around two key areas of council activities: financial records and memberships records. The financial secretary collects and receives all monies that come into the council from any source. He then turns the money over to the Treasurer for deposit in the councils account.

One main function of the financial secretary is to collect money, in the form of dues. from members. He sends out billing notices before the start of the billing period and initiates retention measures to prevent members from being suspended for non-payment of dues.

The compilation of membership records is another of the financial secretary's important roles. He must ensure that new members sign the constitutional role of membership at the time of their First Degree. The Financial Secretary also applies to the Supreme Council for honorary and honorary life membership cards for qualified members.

Besides these two major responsibilities, the financial secretary has several others. They include: handling supply orders for members with the Supreme Council; filing the "Report of Officers"
with the Supreme Council; and reporting an membership/insurance transactions to the Supreme Council in a timely and correct manner.



The Treasurer is in charge of handling all council funds. He receives money from the financial secretary and issues a receipt for such. He is also responsible for depositing all money in the proper council accounts and for providing a voucher or certificate of deposit to the Grand Knight for each transaction.

The Treasurer is also responsible for issuing payments to the Supreme Council on all assessments made by it to the Council and for all orders of the council

Finally, the Treasurer is responsible for keeping accurate accounts of the monies in the general expense fund of the council and the amount of money in any special funds established by the council. He must be able to provide up to date records on these accounts to the Grand Knight, Financial Secretary, and Board of Trustees.


Recorder functions in much the same way that a court recorder or a secretary does. He is responsible for keeping a true record of all doings of the council and for conducting all correspondence of the council He should use the "Recorder's Minute Book" to record the minutes of all council meetings.



The Advocate is the legal representative of the Council and should serve as the council's attorney in case of trial and investigation of any matter of interest to the council. The Advocate need not be a member of the legal profession but he should be thoroughly familiar with all of the laws of the Order as stated in the "Charter, Constitution and Laws" and with the Council by-laws. When a by-law is to be revised the Advocate serves as the chairman of the revision committee




Inside Guard


Inside Guard

The Inside Guards attend the inner doors of the council chamber, checking on paid up membership cards before allowing entrance to the council chamber. In cooperation with the Warden, the Inside Guards should notify the Grand Knight of any visiting brothers from other councils or State Offices.


Outside Guard
Outside Guard


Outside Guard

The Outside Guards tend the outer door of the council home. admitting all visitors to the inner door


Trustee one Year


Trustee Two Years


Trustee Three Years


The Board of Trustees consists of the Grand Knight and three members elected by the council Trustees supervise all financial business of the council. They serve as auditors for the semi-annual audits and oversee the work of the financial secretary and treasurer. The Grand Knight is the Chairman of the Board.

Trustees are elected for terms of up to three years. At each regular election, only the position of three-year trustee will be voted upon. And the current three-year and two-year trustees move down to become two year and one year trustees, respectively.


Sacred Heart of Jesus Council No. 15922