The annual turogpo and Pasungay animal fights held every
Black Saturday at Barangay Camansi, Carigara, Leyteattracts
a big crowd every year with an increasing number of foreign tourists and
visitors. This year's event drew an even larger crowd than last year.
The traditionally staged Turogpo is a contest between two
carabaos or two horses. The entry that runs away, leaving the arena is of course
the loser. The contests visually end with a carambola, when several horses or
carahaos are set loose in the arena to fight among themselves. The entry that
stays in the arena longest is declared the winner.
The animal contests are usually preceded by parlor games
sponsored by tile SK Council of Camansi, Such as powder blowing contest line
breaking the pot and polo sebo.
A Program held after the parlor games were emceed by Ma.
Clara B. Gayas, Head Teacher of Camansi Elementary School. and Virgiriio U.
Tanipol Jr. Pre-School Teacher of Carigara 11 Central School
Winner- of the animal contests
a. Carabao Ttirogpo
1st place winnerentry
of Gil L Parena & Milo F. Jurillo
2tid place winnerentry
of Hon. Pilotio lnalisan & Salvador Caneso
3t-d place winnerentry
of Panfilo Iigutitan & Rodolfo Yacap
b. Horse Turogpo
3 pairs of entry won with prize- of P2.000.00 each.
c. Carambola (Cock-fighting)
Best cock from Brgy Macalpi won. Macalpi is one of a cluster
of barangays under Hon. Dennis N. Garay.
Consolation prizes were also given to participants. Hon.
Amanclo B. Bodo, Kagawad of Brgy. Camansi served as Emcee and Arbiter during
the fights.
VIPs present were Sec.Sergio A. F. Apostol. Leyte Governor Carlos Jericho Petilia and his wife.
Congresswoman 'Trinidad Go Apostol of the 2nd District, Leyte; Hon. Mayor Anlie
Go Apostol, Vice Mayor Ulpiano Arpon Jr.Hon. SB Members Joenlee C. Larraga, Steve Go, Benito Go Jr., Dennis N.
Garay. Anabella N. Crisostomo. and Santiago Gil Lioren; SK Fed. Pres. Andriano
Liovia, Brgy. Captains from various barangays, Municipal Administrator Myla L.
Aguilar, SB Secretary Ismael C. Lloren. Librarian Cliarlotelyn Miranda. etc.
In his message during the program Gov. Petilia said that one
of his priority projects for Brgy. Camansi is the fencing of the "Turogpo"
area to improve safety and crowd control.
In response to this Congresswoman Apostol thanked him for
his attention and support for all the projects of barangays. She said that her
office will continue to forge ties in prompt implementation of programs and projects
in Carigara
Both requested the owners of the land to donate the area for
The first Turogpo was held on the lands of Telesforo Bodo
226 years ago and was held every. Good Friday, It was reset to Black Saturday
on the request of the late Palo Bishop Cipriano Urgel to maintain the
"holiness" of Good Friday and give more time to the organizers and
sponsors of Turogpo.
As part of Mayor Anlie Go Apostol's program
to help secondary graduating students in their self - assessment and career planning, "Career Guidance and Counseling Programs"
were conducted on March 23 and 25, 2009 in every high school in the municipality-Holy Cross College of Carigara (HCCC), Carigara
School of Fisheries (CSF), Carigara National High School (CNHS), Main Campus and Jugaban Annex.
gained important information on
a) course offerings in every school,
career options;
c) type of academic and occupational training needed to succeed in the workplace;
d) post secondary opportunities that are associated with their field of interest.
Success in implementing the programs was due toThe Dept. of Labor and Employment (DOLE) of Region VIII through
its facilitators: lmelda M. Codilan, Economist 111, DOLE Northern Leyte Field Office, and Gemma M. Gaspang, Labor and Employment
Officer 11, DOLE Northern Leyte Field Office, Myia 1. Aguilar, Municipal Administrator and her staff.
Regional Field Unit Vill (DA-RFU 8), the office of the Provincial Agriculturist
of Leyte (OPA, Leyte), the Agriculture Training Institute Vill (ATI-8), and the Local Government Unit of Carigara, through
the Municipal Agriculture Office, conducted a "Season- long Fairness Field School" Training on Rice Production. One training
program was conducted at Brgy. Cutay from December 2008 to March 2009, another one at Brgy. Canal from January to April 2009.
It was a hands-on training program which aimed to develop the skills of farmers to become expert decision-makers
on their own farms and equip them with the analytical ability to analyze the cause and effect relationship of the damage caused
by defoliators on rice plants. This is an environmental friendly technology that reduces the cost of production of rice and
increases the yields and profitability of the rice farmers.
Mayor Anlie Go Apostol and Leyte Gov.
Carlos Jericho Petiiia jointly exhorted the youth to indulge in Sports in order
to harness their potentials. In this regard, a Summer Badminton Tournament was
opened on March 2009, which was organized, by Alvin Obaob and Hon. SB Member
Anabella N. Crisostomo.
received cash prizes and trophies.
As sports enthusiasts, Mayor Anlie Go Apostol
of Carigara and Leyte Governor Carlos Jericho Petilla encouraged the youth and
everyone to be active in sports, as it will keep them healthy in mind and body.
A party organized by the municipal
employees and officials last April 6, 2009 at the LGU grounds pleasantly
surprised Mayor Anlie Go Apostol, on her 40th birthday.
Joan Panal
Mantapas, born to Roger Maniapas and Zenaida I.Panal, graduated Cum Laude,
Bachelor of Science
in Management Accounting at Eastern Visayas State University Tacloban City, on
March 28, 2009.
clan celebrated their annual reunion on May 3, 2009 at A.T.A. Memorial Central
Bodo clan, May 2, 2009, at A.T.A. Mem.
Central School
Javines clan, April 26, 2009, at A.T.A. Mem.
Central Sch.
Caballes "bulad" clan, April 26,
2009, Jao Sevilla mini Gymnasium
Petallana clan, April 18, 2009, Jao Sevilla
mini gym.
Obero clan, April 25, 2009, Kan Gara
Narbonita clan, April 24, 2009,
Payong-payong San Mateo
clan, May 9, 2009, Kan Gara Gymnasium
The following policemen of PNP-Carigara
were recently promoted:
SP03 Teodorico Lucelo from SP02
SP03 Rito Fallomina from SP02
SP03 Ernie Rocha from SP02
P02 Bryan Pensona ftom PO I
P02 Ted Dennis Clemencio from POI
Lowie Romagne Sayas Gaviola recently passed
the Board Examination for Numing last Nov. 29-30,2008. She is the daughter of
Jose Ralph and Reza Gaviola of Jugaban, Carigara, Leyte
Edmar Padulla Petallana from Jugaban,
Carigara, passed the Board Examination for nursing last Nov.29-30, 2008
The following passed the Principal Management
Aptitude Test (PMAT) of Carigara 11 District, March 2009:
1, Mrs Lucia Nartea Cortres, Head Teacher
of Tinaguban Elem School and District ALS Coordinator
2, Mr. Raul Lauro Miralles, Head Teacher of
Macalpi Elem. School and District Sports Coordinator
3. Mrs. Jovena Sicadsicad Tadefa, Gr. V
Teacher of the Central School and President of Carigara Teachers League
4. Mrs. Beatriz Panal Artoza, Gr. 5 Teacher
of Macalpi Elem.. School
Aguilar, 63, 1 May 2009
Lino dela Pena Ibanez, 58, 23 April 2009
Felipe Naagas Grabador, 73, 20 April 2009
Ma. Paz R. Canasta, 66, 19 April 2009
Leoncia Seneca Majam, 91, 19 April 2009
Sixta Capablanca Nivera, 94, 24 April 2009
Jose "Pepe" Lloren, Carigara's
"versatile" pianist, 71, 19 May 2009
Rodrigo Tabada, son of Filomeno Tabada and
Lucrecia Rocha, married Myma Lucelo, daughter of Benjamin Lucelo and Selma
Nitura, on May 10, 2009.
Rojalde Ligo, son of Celestino Ligo,
married Jennifer Gabomes, daughter of Manuel Gabomes and Feliciana Gacillos, on
May 22, 2009.
Vicente Corbe Jr., son of Vicente -Corbe Sr. and
Vivencia Pamanian, married Elbie Uribe, daughter of Valentin Uribe and
Marianita Quimno, on April 13, 2009 at Dasmarinas, Cavite.
Ms. Dely Anopol
Del Mundo 29 Educational Cards, 47 Children's
books, 65 Student's and Teacher's References
I set of 20 Encyclopedia Britannica:
Macropedia, I set of Encyclopedia
Britannica: Micropedia, 13 Yearbooks, set of 96 pcs. Toys: Bears Family, 2 Videocassette
tapes, I Globe, and Cash for painting of fence, and other
Rodoffo Eusebio -25
Reference books
Cassidy Elem. School-14
computer books
Ma. Paz A. Makabenta-21
Mary Mount thru the effort of Ms. Maribeth
Elementary Textbooks
The 36th Grand Alumni Homecoming of the Holy
Cross College
of Carigara Alumni Association this year proved quite exemplifying from almost
all accounts of the homecoming agenda. Hosted by Class 1984, the activities
were successful despite the impact of the global economic crunch. There were
the usual parade and talent competitions, among others, anchored on the theme:
"Philippine Festivals Celebrations in One!
Winners in all categories were recognized
and awarded with
Plaques of Appreciation, specifically the Parade category and the Cultural
Presentations. In the overall account. Class 1997 won the Grand Prize, etching
a name for themselves.
Limelighting this year's homecoming celebration
was the
Search for the Most Popular Alumni of the, Year. This popularity contest has
become the association's paradigm of adding another dimension of extending
support to all its projects and to the Alma Mater, the Holy Cross Academy, and
now Holy -Cross College of Carigara. This year the fund raising activity
resulted in the victory of Concordia Loyola Pami of Class 1984 and Delfin
Aguilar of -Class 1969 as the "Alumni King and Queen 2009." The first
runners-up were Fe Makabenta and Feliberto Florendo, while the second
runners-up were Judith Lagera and Enrico Estrada.
From the Search net proceeds of P126, 766.33,
a certain
percent was turned over to the HCCC Administration, earmarked for school
projects. In addition, the Scholarship Fund and the share from registration
fees were allocated for Alumni projects and for the initial Scholarship Fund
for the mother chapter (Carigara) starting this year.
The Alumni Queen was crowned by outgoing
Queen Rosario D.
Obaob (Class 1983) assisted by the Alumni Association President, Atty. Fidelina
Q. Grapilon, and outgoing King Reynaldo Darantinao.
Part of the homecoming agenda was the recognition
of Alumni
Board and Bar passers from year 2008 through 2009, during the Fellowship Night.
In his Welcome address, Eugene Bodo Macalaiag, Host Class President, encouraged
the crowd to enjoy and share in the joys of the occasion.
In appreciation, Atty. Grapilon, expressed
her thanks to all
the classes who worked hard for the success of the homecoming this year and in
the past. Sister M. Anthony Kuizon, O.S.F., Directress of HCCC, also acknowledged
with the same appreciation and gratitude the countless support of the HCCC
Alumni Association, through the years, and all alumni here and elsewhere.
In a simple yet symbolic ceremony, the turnover
of the
"hosting of the homecoming activities winded up the Grand Fellowship
Night. Masters of Ceremony were Dennis Fernandez and Noemi Sabay Lizardo.
As a farewell, the Alumni Classes gathered
for the last time
in a Party-by-the-bay, with fun and frolics, at the LGU grounds
Leonora R. Reamillo, HCCC
Carigara Athletes Win atEVRAA Meet
Carigara athletes (Boys and Girls), from
the Carigara
National High School, Main, brought home Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals after
competing in, the ARNIS event during the East Visayas Region Athletics Assn.
(EVRAA) meet held on March 29 to April 3, 2009.
The victorious martial arts students who
beat opponents
coming from thirteen (13) delegations in Region 8 are:
A. Combat-Full Contact
Maitha Abadilla - Extra Sight Division, Gold
(a Palaro
Queenielyn Venturina
Division, Silver
Mary Joy
Tagpis Pin
weight Division, Bronze
Sandal Bantam
Weight Div., Bronze
B. Boys Anew Competition
1. Julius Florendo, Elano Lianza, And Sonnyboy
Batis - Synchronized
Double Baston,
Crafting the Citizen's Charter Prioritized by Mayor Apostol
In an effort to further
improve LGU-Carigara services to the public, Hon. Anlie Go Apostol directed the 'crafting of the Citizen's Charter in cooperation
with the Department of Interior and Local Government headed by Ronald Acebedo, Municipal Local Government Office Officer in
compliance with R.A. 9485 of the Anti-Red Tape Law.
The charter serves as the tool or benchmark
a) promote good governance, fair practices in delivery of public services,
b) give information
with respect to various services provided by the LGU-Carigara,
c) ensure transparency, and
making the administration and its employees accountable and citizen friendly. Thus, it highlights the administration's commitment
towards its clients and responsibility among its officials and staff.
On April 20-24, 2009, municipal employees including the heads of offices were convened for a day,
an Orientation Workshop as the first step In the crafting process. They were evaluated on the kind of services they provided
in their respective offices and tried to correct the existing system in the delivery of public service to a more effective
one by formulating measures or standards with response time for its delivery, the step-by-step guide on how to avail of the
Presentation of specified standards by each office will be scheduled as the next step.
By the end of these series of activities, it is hoped that the LGU-Carigara would have developed its service standards and
be able top guarantee the quality and accessibility of its services to the public.
The orientation came out to be a successful
activity and an enjoyable experience to all participants for it was done in an
open forum or participatory method. Married couples of Reproductive Age (MACRA)
from selected barangays of Carigara underwent a one- day Orientation on
Responsible Parenting and Natural Family Planning.
This is a year-round
activity spear- headed by the Provincial Population Office, which aims to
educate and motivate married couples on Natural Family Planning and organize
them on a Responsible Parenting Movement (RPM) at the barangay level.
Barangays of Carigara, which have been
provided with this orientation, are Visoria West and East, Parena, Uyawan,
Canal, Tagak, Tangnan, Rizal, and San Juan.
The orientation modules include the
following topics:
a) Responsible Parenthood,
b) Duties and Responsibilities of
c) Marriage and Family Relationships,
d) Rome Management and
e) Mother and Child Health Care, and
f) Natural Family Planning
Objectives, Methods, and Techniques.
The team composed of four trained
discussants from the different offices of LGU-Carigara who conducted the
orientation were Cerefina C. Uribe of the Rural Health Unit; Bella M. Rivera of
the Municipal Agriculture Office; Aida L. Paner of the Municipal Social Welfare
and Development office; and Maria Belinda P. Alberca of the Municipal
Population Office.
Kon gusto mo gud mapaiba Para ikaw makaginhawa
Sangkay, ayaw pagruhaduha Buhat o gius ngan tikangi na! Tikangi na pagtrabaho Diin ka man mapasingadto Ha
magkadurodilain man Nga bungto, basta mayda hibaro Hibaro mo adton panuyo Katikangan hin pagbabago Nga
ginhihingyap han mga tawo "Bulig pagpauswag han bungto" Karisyo daw kon magkaada Pagkatitirok,
pagkirigta Para maglipay an kada tagsa Masolusyonan an problema Problem, taw-i la iton Para
diri lumagas dayon Pagbabago na ginhihingyap Kon waray "pagsisikap"
Kapawa na nagpapahalipay
Butang na napakahusay Kinaadman na hinay-hinay Nagpapadig-on daw, Sangkay
Ikaw mismo mapapakyas Ayaw kahulop,
pag-antos la Papaatras ka naman Pinas? Kamakalolooy mo man la!
Pamatii mga kabataan Paglaom kamo siring ni
Rizal Ayaw gud pagsubad kan Juan Nga paraglubak hin aragian.
Kamo an tingug han mga tawo Di-unan-o man
nga panhinabo Ikaw mismo mayda reklamo Ano, san-o, diin, tipaunan-o?
Tikangi samtang temprano pa Buksi iyo
hunahuna lgpukrat an iyo mga mata Para makit-an an kapawa.
some selected barangays of
Carigara have been visited by representatives from the provincial government
office, led by Sister Eloisa David, O.S.F. and her staff, in coordination with
Mrs. Maria Belinda P. Alberca, Municipal Nutrition Action Officer and Municipal
Population Officer, to conduct "Parents Orientation" regarding the
Supplemental Feeding Pro- gram sponsored by the Archdiocese of Palo in
cooperation with the Provincial Government thru Governor Carlos Jericho
Petilia, dubbed "Feed My Starving Children."
Barangays identified to benefit the program
were Visoria East and West, San Mateo, Parena, Barugohay Central, Guindapanan
East and West for a high incidence rate of malnourished children aged 0-6 years
old. Sister Eloisa David stressed that parents should always be concerned on
their children's health "dahil sila ang pagasa ng Bayan."
Sister David also talked on the on-going
programs of the provincial government t which will be provided to constituents
particularly the indigents in the barangays, namely:
1) "Plant a Malungay
Tree Program" in every household,
2)"Target Zero Programa
Rehestro" for non-registrants at the Civil Registry,
Certificates of Registration from the National Statistics Office,
4) Free
Phil-Health membership. Also Sister David disseminated the on-going enrollment
on Welding and Pipefitting Course offered by ARADO Foundation, Inc. at Brgy.
Lingayon, Alang-alang, Leyte, a program for employment here and abroad.
One of the
targets of DepEd is to complete all incomplete elementary schools of the
country. In this regard, Carigara 11 District prides itself of meeting this
target. It has already completed its two incomplete elementary schools: Cogon
Elementary School in 2008 and Sta. Fe Elementary School in 2009
Cogon ES, on a
lot donated by Atty. Fernando T. Tonolete and family was pioneered in the 1960s
by three distinguished teachers: Mrs. Tarcela BuileceT, Miss Julia Arguelles,
and the late Mrs. Milagros Aguilos-Peflaranda. For decades, Cogon Primary
School had only Grades I-IV classes. It was oniy in June 2007 that it started
offering Gr. V and Gr. VI the following year. Then on March 27, 2008, it had
its first Graduation exercises with 13 graduates. Its first valedictorian was
Michael Angelo Brier and the guest speaker was Mrs. Chanda Arguelles Florendo.
a teacher of Binibihan ES.
The completion
of Cogon ES was spearheaded by Mrs. Bernardita C. Nivera, the district
supervisor, supported by the cluster head, Mrs. Editha S. Macalinao, HT-3, the
Brgy. Council headed by Hon. Julito Quintana, the GPTCA headed by its
President, Aida Lirom, three young teachers -Mrs. Maryrose Dacallos(Grs. I
& 11 teacher), Miss Loida Edang (111 & IV) and Mr. Randy Capalar (V
& VI), and Mayor Anlie Go Apostol with Cong. Ebbie Go Apostol. who nicely
repaired the school buildings.
Sta. Fe Elem.
School, on the other hand, on a lot purchased by the barangay council, had its
first graduation this year with 25 graduates receiving their diplomas on March
31, 2009. The valedictorian was Jonadel Balboa and the guest speaker was Mr.
Elmer Florendo, a teacher of Carigara School of Fisheries.
Sta. Fe ES
began in 2003 when then Brgy. Capt. Alfredo Cabaltera and his council, after
;purchasing the lot. recruited 29 kids for Gr. I and hired Miss Jorgina Chato
(now Mrs.Prias) as teacher-volunteer with her monthly allowance from the
barangay IRA. The following year, Miss Maggie Sabay (now in the US) was
assigned and last year, Miss Anna Marie Cortes volunteered her services to the
school for six months. At present, Sta. Fe ES is manned by three teachers Miss
Donna Vella Bolito (Grs. I & 11), Miss Aimee Benis (Grs. III & IV), and
the pioneer. Mrs. Jorgina Prias (Grs. V & V I)
Three school
heads handled the school in short succession: Mrs. Camilia Capalar, Mrs.
Florentina Panis, and the incumbent, Mr. Jose Gomba. Two barangay captains are
assisting-former Brgy. Capt. Alfredo Cabaltera and the present Brgy. Capt.,
Elmer Lagera. Topping the supporters is Carigara Mayor Anlie Apostol who
proudly refers to the completion of Sta. Fe as her pet project.
The good Mayor
and her beloved Mom were instrumental in giving Sta. Fe ES a new teacher and
her school buildings. And to show that the school is very close to her heart,
she gave it her longest privileged presence-from the start of the graduation
program until it was finished. Such touching gesture of the Mayor drew profound
appreciation from all those in attendance of the graduation program.
Mrs. Bernardita
C. Nivera took this opportunity to thank her and her Mom not only for making
Sta. Fe ES a complete elementary school but also for the new school buildings
in other schools, and for the cemented roads to the barangays which make the
travels of the teachers, students, and the riding public easier and faster upon
her signal. Mr. Jose Gomba, Mrs. Ma. Clara B. Gayas, and Mrs. Editha S.
Macalinao, all HTs, gave Mayor Anlic Go Apostol three red roses in gratitude
and appreciation for her and Cong. Ebbie Go Apostol's valuable service to their
In all the
Graduation Exercises of the 15 schools of the district, Mrs. Nivera gave to the
valedictorians mango seedlings as their lasting souvenirs for the highest
honors they received. And to make the first graduation exercises of Cogon ES
and Sta. Fe ES more significant and memorable she gave -Certificates of
Recognition to all the graduates for being the pioneers of the school. Assisted
by her husband, Mr. Ysieto Nivera, she also gave each some gift items. Then she
thanked profusely all the stakeholders for their support in making Carigara 11
a district with 100% complete elementary schools.
While I was attending a Division Conference
in Merida, Leyte, in August 2008, W. Rudy Abeigos, the district supervisor of
Mahapiag, told me, "Be, whenever I see you, I always remember the handout
you gave us in Cassidy ES in 2001 when your district hosted the Division
EXECOM. One entry changed us, and it is : Never go to bed with dirty dishes in
the sink. I insisted that our family follow it. Since then our sink has always
been clean at bedtime. Thank you for that handout."
When I shared this heart-warming story of
Mr. Abelgos with my close friend, Dr. Elena Penaflor Cabaluna, district
supervisor of Jaro 1, she told me that there is also one entry in the handout
that she always follow, and that is: When playing games with children, let them
win. Her grandson feels very happy playing with her because almost always she
lets him win. That makes her the best Lola in the world.
The handout my two friends were referring
to, contained the suggestions of H. Jackson Jr. in his two volume little book
entitled Life's Little Instruction Book on how to live a happy and rewarding
life. If after seven years my friends are still talking with appreciation of
the book, I decided to share it with Budyong to benefit my beloved fellow
Carigaranos wherever they are.
-Bernardita Celis Nivera Carigara 11 District
The excerpts. But only those encircled by Ms. Nivera
as her choices –
3. Remember other people's
5. Say "Thank you" a
lot. 8. Sing in the shower.
13. Return all things you borrow.
17. Write "thank you" notes promptly.
21. Surprise loved ones with little unexpected gifts.
24. Always accept an outstretched hand.
25. Live so that when your children think of fairness,
caring, integrity, they think of you.
26. Admit your mistakes.
29. Hug children after you discipline them.
31. Never forget your anniversary.
32. Ride a bike.
35. Forget the Joneses.
39. Make it a habit to do nice things for people who will
never find out.
40. Attend class reunions.
42. Always have something beautiful in sight, even if it is
only a daisy in a coffee jar.
45. Tell your kids how terrific they are and that you trust
46. Take a brisk thirty-minute walk every day.
48. Smile a lot. It costs nothing and is behold price.
49. Stop and read historical markers.
51. Remember people's names.
53. When someone is relating an important event-that
happened to him, do not try to stop him with your own story. Let him have the
58. When playing games with children, let them play.
61. Take time to smell the roses.
66. Keep your desk and work area clean.
67. Be punctual and insist on it in others,
70. Be kinder than necessary.
72. Think twice before burdening a friend with a secret.
75. When someone hugs you, let him/her be the first to let
79. Keep a daily journal.
80. Keep your promises.
84. Seek out the good in people.
85. Drink twelve glasses of water every day.
87. Be cautious in lending money to a friend. You might lose
90. Wave at children in school buses.
97. Be modest. A lot was accomplished before you were born.
104. Lie on your back and look at the stars.
106. Arrive at work early and stay beyond quitting time.
108. Cut out complimentary newspaper articles about people
you know and mail the articles to them with notes of congratulations.
109. Patronize local merchants even if it costs a little
111. No matter how dire the situation keep your cool.
119. Find some other ways of proving your manhood than by
shooting defenseless animals.
123. Remember that a successful
marriage depends on two things; 1) finding the right partner and 2) being the
right partner.
126. Never go to bed with dirty dishes in the sink.
129. Compliment the meal when you're a guest in some one's
131. When tempted to criticize your parents, spouse, or
children, bite your tongue.
132. Never bore people with your problems.
138. When you arrive at your job in the morning, let the
first thing you say brighten every one's day.
139. Rekindle old friendships.
140. When traveling put your ID card in your wallet.
142. Live your life so that your epitaph could read;
"No regrets."
143. Never walk out on a quarrel with your wife.
146. To explain a romantic break up, simply say, "It
was all my fault."
151. Remember no one makes it alone. Have a grateful heart
and be quick to acknowledge those who help you.
152. Give your clients your enthusiastic best.
153. Let your children overhear you saying compliments about
them to other adults.
154. Save an evening a week for just you and your wife.
157. Compliment even the small improvement.
161. Start meetings on time
regardless of who's missing
163. When attending meetings, sit down front.
164. Every once in a while, take the scenic route.
166. Send a lot of Valentine cards. Sign them, "Someone
who thinks you're terrific."
167. Men you and your wife have a disagreement, regardless
of who's wrong apologize. Say.
"I'm sorry I upset you. Would you forgive me?" These are healing
magical words.
169. Be enthusiastic about the success of others.
17 1. Read, sing, and listen to your children
179. Tape record your parents laughter.
180. Laugh a lot. A good sense of humor cures almost all of
life's ills.
181. Don't be afraid to say. "I don't know."
"I made a mistake." "I need help." "I'm sorry."
184. Attend your children's athletic contests, plays, and
185. Look for opportunities to make people important.
186. When a child falls and skins a knee, always show
concern, then takes the time to kiss it and make it well.
188. Stand when greeting a visitor at your office.
192. Return borrowed vehicles with gas tank full.
193. Give your best to your employer. It's one of a good
investment you can make.
197. Champion your wife. Be her best friend and her biggest
201. Never sign contracts with blank spaces.
202. When you go to borrow money, dress as if you have
plenty of it.
(Much more to follow but, for
lack of space, we'll continue in the next issue of Budyong. Editor)