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The inducted officers of The Sacred Heart of Jesus Council 15922 for the Fraternal year 2016-2017. Front left to right: OG Rey Viquiera 3TR Nilo Castanos, DGK Oscar Aran1TR Peter Santos, WAR Buddy Guevarra, GK Fel Marpa, DGK Oscar Aran, REC John Agapay Back row left to right: PGK Romy Anastasio, ADV Ron Chan, CHN Ron Chan, DD Jim Hannam, FS Lito Fajardo, DD Jim Hannam and OG Ernie Calubayan. Not in Picture: TR Rick Abanador, LEC Ben Suva 2TR Danny Toreja, OG Ken Benito, IG Jose Dalisay, and IG Amby Fajardo. 


  Mission Statement 
Our mission is to help the Sacred Heart of Jesus parish accomplish their goals for the community. We offer support, growth and guidance with love and respect wherever necessary to achieve this vision. We will do this through prayer, fellowship, financial and material assistance and renew relationships beyond by transforming messages of Jesus Christ through words and actions. 

We are inviting all Filipino parishioner to join our council to assist us achieve these causes. Contact any of our council members, we'd love to get to know you.

We will benefit from our relationship through the blessings that come from sharing with the congregation. Our call is to be disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ and be a beacon of light and hope to all.



MEMBERSHIP IN THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS is open to men 18 years of age or older who are practical (that is, practicing) Catholics in union with the Holy See. This means that an applicant or member accepts the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and is in good standing in the Catholic Church.




Sacred Heart of Jesus Council No. 15922